Ramblings: Halfway there already...
We are already past the halfway mark! The first trimester seemed to really drag by, probably because I felt so sick every day and it was so cold outside that we were stuck inside. This trimester is already starting to break into a sprint and I want it to slow down! While I don’t feel like there is as much to prepare for as there was with Luna (new apartment, entire set of necessities for baby, mental preparations as what to expect after expecting), I still want to enjoy this part of pregnancy as it’s the best part! After the sickness and fatigue and before the heartburn, discomfort and Braxton Hicks, this second trimester is very similar to what I experienced with Luna: energy, pregnant glow despite not sleeping anywhere near enough and constant appetite! Oh, and I feel like my belly is so much bigger with this one! I will post a comparison photo below. I don’t think the baby is any bigger than Luna was at this point (according to our anatomy scan last week she weighs in at 11oz, on point for 20 weeks gestation age), but maybe she will be. Luna was of average weight (7.13 lb) but way below average in height (18in), so it will be interesting to see how this one will be! While not everything went exactly to plan with Luna (her birth story is HERE, but in summary, my waters broke before I really went into labour at 41 weeks, after over 22 hours of Pitocin, antibiotics and finally an epidural I finally pushed her out within about 45 minutes). While I don’t mind going past full term again, I would love to go into labour naturally and not resort to pain medication. As I now know, my body takes a long time to recover from medication that it is not used to, and I am more than happy to deal with contractions if it means I can leave the hospital the next day and walk home (even Pitocin contractions if need be).
The hospital is actually only a 30 minute walk from our apartment, and I feel that the care I have already received there has been so much better than at the hospital where I had Luna. For each scan I have never waited more than 10 minutes, I have been able to follow the technicians on my own screen, and everyone has given me a play by play during the procedure. We had our fetal echocardiogram last week and I am very happy to announce that the baby’s heart is fully formed and working correctly! The echo was performed by Luna’s pediatric cardiologist’s colleague, and he explained everything very clearly. So this is one thing I will not need to worry about anymore! We then had her full anatomy scan a few days afterwards and she has all her limbs and fingers and toes. She moved around a lot and I think there were a few things that the technician couldn’t get good photos of so I have to go back for a follow up ultrasound in 4 weeks… As long as it is not because something else looks wrong, but I haven’t heard anything from my OB yet so I assume not! And we get to see her again which is always exciting!
I started to feel what I call the “popcorn popping flutters” a few weeks ago, and a few flips here and there, but nothing consistent. Last week I finally started to feel little tiny kicks on the inside, nothing that you would be able to feel on the outside yet, but it’s so reassuring to feel my growing child moving inside me! With Luna I had an anterior placenta and felt flutters way after 20 weeks, and didn’t start feeling kicks until 28 weeks! And I was super slim at the time, so weight has nothing to do with feeling baby movement. Although once I felt that first kick she didn’t stop moving, and still doesn’t sit still for a minute today. I can’t wait to see what Luna’s reaction will be when you can start feeling the baby’s kicks on the outside! Luna already does this absolutely adorable thing where she cuddles my belly and strokes it if I tell her to “come and say hi to babyname”. Who knows if she will actually be that affectionate when the baby is born, but it’s very heart melty right now!
Just like we did with Luna we shall not be revealing the name until after birth, mainly because we love keeping it to ourselves until then. A few people have guessed it and I have told a few more, but for all you others you will have to wait and see. It’s a little harder than with Luna though, because we called her Munchie all through the pregnancy (and sometimes still do), but while we started calling this one Cachito/Cachita it never stuck as well and I keep calling her by her name! Probably a good job that I don’t see everyone on a regular basis anymore otherwise the cat would have been long out of the bag! A few hints is that we will be remaining somewhat within theme with the first name, both names can easily be pronounced in English, Spanish and French, and the second name will also refer to a classic movie actress that I adore (although not my favourite as Luna already took that one!).
I’ve had to pretty much give up on wearing Luna on a regular basis for the time being (only when it’s absolutely necessary, like on her birthday when she wouldn’t nap anywhere else), and she is finally getting more used to a new stroller my sister kindly bought us (rear facing – she seems to be much happier being able to see us), so we have been venturing out into the sunshine again. I quite frankly need the exercise and she needs the fresh air! And just thinking about it right now, I really, really want a bagel from Whitestone Bagels Factory… SO DELICIOUS. My only cravings up until now are eating sandwiches and bagels outside in the sunshine – and we are lucky that we live in an area with a large choice of little parks. Which reminds me! I met with my dietician a few weeks ago (an awesome perk that comes with the clinic I go to), and I had lost weight, which apparently is not advised in the second trimester, especially as I am still breastfeeding. So, just like Luna, I have been told to eat more. It’s hard though, because I already feel like I eat tons! We will see what she says next week. That said, I am still a lot bigger than I was with Luna, although I probably see myself as being huge when I am not really. I’m all belly again! But then again I know that my body is carrying more weight than it has ever been used to and it worries me a little. I’m not overweight by any means, but I am not used to being so much bigger than I have ever been in my nearly 37 years on earth. I’m going to make a much bigger effort to lose it faster this time around and get back into some sort of shape. Although I have a feeling it won’t be that hard with 2 littles under 2! I had better get around to actually posting this as otherwise it’s going to be another week and then another and then I will be in my third trimester!
No comparison photo… I feel like the ones I took with Luna were a little underdressed to post on here! But here is one of me right now at 21 weeks :-)
(I love this skirt! Henna brought it back for me from India and it's perfect for a pregnancy in the spring/summer! I find a lot of clothes uncomfortable when I'm pregnant, but long skirts and maxi dresses are the best).