1. My own personal immigration story in two parts: Part 1 and Part 2.

  2. Alison Toon's recount of being what she calls a "Serial Immigrant".

  3. #IAmAnImmigrant

  4. You never "just walk" across the border, a true story.

  5. Rustam tells us how he ran for his life, leaving his beloved country behind.

  6. Female Janitors say ¡Ya Basta!

  7. Where I dispel a few immigration myths.

  8. No Human is Illegal, despite what the trolls say.

  9. Humans are not bargaining chips Mr Trump.

  10. Where is HOME?

  11. Don't fail the DREAMers...

  12. The truth about so-called "chain migration".

  13. The Definition of Cruelty

  14. Your Visa Is Denied - the temporary status of a TN Visa

  15. There Is Just Us - a story of belonging

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